Available Technologies

Fluorescent Probe for Labeling of Cancer Stem Cells

Enables selective fluorescent labeling of cancer stem cells, without labeling normal stem cells


Cancer stem cells present in cancer tissue survive treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and cause cancer recurrence and metastasis after treatment due to their self-renewal and cancer-initiating abilities. Therefore, cancer stem cells have been visualized by fluorescence using molecular probes (e.g. Aldefluor™) that react with aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1), which is highly expressed in stem cells including normal stem cells. This method, however, has a problem of inability to distinguish between normal stem cells and cancer stem cells.

Description and Advantages

Researchers at Kyoto University have developed a novel fluorescent probe (CHO_βgal) that selectively labels cancer stem cells by distinguishing them from normal stem cells.

  • Turn-on probe for identification of cancer stem cells

CHO_βgal has a functional group as a substrate for ALDH1A1 as well as a functional group as a substrate for β-galactosidase, which is highly expressed in cancer cells. When these two functional groups are removed, CHO_βgal emits strong fluorescence in the near-infrared region (647-759 nm). Because no fluorescence is emitted until both groups are removed, cancer stem cells can be identified with a high signal-to-noise ratio (Fig. 1).

  • Cancer stem cell staining in cells and tissues without false-positive

Because CHO_βgal does not respond to NSCs, cancer stem cell-specific visualization in both cells (Fig. 2) and tissue (Fig. 3) stainigs are possible.

・Cytotoxicity evaluated
・Cancer stem cells were successfully detected with the new probe in unfixed lungs of mouse models of lung cancer metastasis.
・Staining of tissue sections
 Confirmation of cancer stem cell detection by staining frozen sections, regardless of the presence or absence of normal tissue
Offer • Patent license
• Option for patent license
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3rd Floor, International Science
Innovation Building, Kyoto University
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
600-8501 JAPAN
